Programmatic Gateway

Sonic Bridge: Programmatic Usage Guide

Contract Addresses

// Ethereum (L1)
    TOKEN_DEPOSIT: "0xa1E2481a9CD0Cb0447EeB1cbc26F1b3fff3bec20",
    TOKEN_PAIRS: "0xf2b1510c2709072C88C5b14db90Ec3b6297193e4",
    STATE_ORACLE: "0xB7e8CC3F5FeA12443136f0cc13D81F109B2dEd7f"

// Sonic (L2)
    BRIDGE: "0x9Ef7629F9B930168b76283AdD7120777b3c895b3",
    TOKEN_PAIRS: "0x134E4c207aD5A13549DE1eBF8D43c1f49b00ba94",
    STATE_ORACLE: "0x836664B0c0CB29B7877bCcF94159CC996528F2C3"


// Network RPC endpoints
const ETHEREUM_RPC = "";
const SONIC_RPC = "";

// Initialize providers
const ethProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(ETHEREUM_RPC);
const sonicProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(SONIC_RPC);

// Initialize signer with your private key
const PRIVATE_KEY = "your-private-key";
const ethSigner = new ethers.Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY, ethProvider);
const sonicSigner = new ethers.Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY, sonicProvider);

Bridge Operations

1. Ethereum to Sonic Transfer

async function bridgeToSonic(tokenAddress, amount) {
    // 1. Check if token is supported
    const tokenPairs = new ethers.Contract(ETH_CONTRACTS.TOKEN_PAIRS, TOKEN_PAIRS_ABI, ethProvider);
    const mintedToken = await tokenPairs.originalToMinted(tokenAddress);
    if (mintedToken === ethers.constants.AddressZero) {
        throw new Error("Token not supported");

    // 2. Approve token spending
    const token = new ethers.Contract(tokenAddress, ERC20_ABI, ethSigner);
    const approveTx = await token.approve(ETH_CONTRACTS.TOKEN_DEPOSIT, amount);
    await approveTx.wait();

    // 3. Deposit tokens
    const deposit = new ethers.Contract(ETH_CONTRACTS.TOKEN_DEPOSIT, TOKEN_DEPOSIT_ABI, ethSigner);
    const tx = await deposit.deposit(, tokenAddress, amount);
    const receipt = await tx.wait();

    return {
        transactionHash: receipt.transactionHash,
        blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
        depositId: => e.event === 'Deposit')

2. Claim Tokens on Sonic

async function waitForStateUpdate(depositBlockNumber) {
    const stateOracle = new ethers.Contract(SONIC_CONTRACTS.STATE_ORACLE, STATE_ORACLE_ABI, sonicProvider);
    while (true) {
        const currentBlockNum = await stateOracle.lastBlockNum();
        if (currentBlockNum >= depositBlockNumber) {
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 30000)); // Check every 30 seconds

async function generateProof(depositId) {
    // Generate storage slot for deposit
    const storageSlot = ethers.utils.keccak256(
        ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['uint256', 'uint8'], [depositId, 7])
    // Get proof from Ethereum node
    const proof = await ethProvider.send("eth_getProof", [
    // Encode proof in required format
    return ethers.utils.RLP.encode([

async function claimOnSonic(depositTxHash, depositBlockNumber, depositId) {
    // 1. Wait for state oracle update
    console.log("Waiting for state oracle update...");
    await waitForStateUpdate(depositBlockNumber);
    // 2. Generate proof
    console.log("Generating proof...");
    const proof = await generateProof(depositId);
    // 3. Claim tokens with proof
    const bridge = new ethers.Contract(SONIC_CONTRACTS.BRIDGE, BRIDGE_ABI, sonicSigner);
    const tx = await bridge.claim(depositTxHash, proof);
    const receipt = await tx.wait();

    return receipt.transactionHash;

3. Sonic to Ethereum Transfer

async function bridgeToEthereum(tokenAddress, amount) {
    // 1. Check if token is supported
    const tokenPairs = new ethers.Contract(SONIC_CONTRACTS.TOKEN_PAIRS, TOKEN_PAIRS_ABI, sonicProvider);
    const originalToken = await tokenPairs.mintedToOriginal(tokenAddress);
    if (originalToken === ethers.constants.AddressZero) {
        throw new Error("Token not supported");

    // 2. Initiate withdrawal
    const bridge = new ethers.Contract(SONIC_CONTRACTS.BRIDGE, BRIDGE_ABI, sonicSigner);
    const tx = await bridge.withdraw(, originalToken, amount);
    const receipt = await tx.wait();

    return {
        transactionHash: receipt.transactionHash,
        blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
        withdrawalId: => e.event === 'Withdrawal')

4. Claim Tokens on Ethereum

async function waitForEthStateUpdate(withdrawalBlockNumber) {
    const stateOracle = new ethers.Contract(ETH_CONTRACTS.STATE_ORACLE, STATE_ORACLE_ABI, ethProvider);
    while (true) {
        const currentBlockNum = await stateOracle.lastBlockNum();
        if (currentBlockNum >= withdrawalBlockNumber) {
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 30000)); // Check every 30 seconds

async function generateWithdrawalProof(withdrawalId) {
    // Generate storage slot for withdrawal
    const storageSlot = ethers.utils.keccak256(
        ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['uint256', 'uint8'], [withdrawalId, 1])
    // Get proof from Sonic node
    const proof = await sonicProvider.send("eth_getProof", [
    // Encode proof in required format
    return ethers.utils.RLP.encode([

async function claimOnEthereum(withdrawalTxHash, withdrawalBlockNumber, withdrawalId) {
    // 1. Wait for state oracle update
    console.log("Waiting for state oracle update...");
    await waitForEthStateUpdate(withdrawalBlockNumber);
    // 2. Generate proof
    console.log("Generating proof...");
    const proof = await generateWithdrawalProof(withdrawalId);
    // 3. Claim tokens with proof
    const deposit = new ethers.Contract(ETH_CONTRACTS.TOKEN_DEPOSIT, TOKEN_DEPOSIT_ABI, ethSigner);
    const tx = await deposit.claim(withdrawalTxHash, proof);
    const receipt = await tx.wait();

    return receipt.transactionHash;

Complete Example

async function bridgeUSDC() {
    try {
        // USDC details
        const USDC_ADDRESS = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48";
        const amount = ethers.utils.parseUnits("100", 6); // USDC has 6 decimals

        // 1. Bridge USDC to Sonic
        console.log("Initiating bridge to Sonic...");
        const deposit = await bridgeToSonic(USDC_ADDRESS, amount);
        console.log(`Deposit successful: ${deposit.transactionHash}`);

        // 2. Claim USDC on Sonic
        console.log("Waiting for state update and claiming on Sonic...");
        const claimTx = await claimOnSonic(deposit.transactionHash, deposit.blockNumber, deposit.depositId);
        console.log(`Claim successful: ${claimTx}`);

        // Later: Bridge back to Ethereum
        console.log("Initiating bridge back to Ethereum...");
        const withdrawal = await bridgeToEthereum(deposit.mintedToken, amount);
        console.log(`Withdrawal initiated: ${withdrawal.transactionHash}`);

        // Claim on Ethereum
        console.log("Waiting for state update and claiming on Ethereum...");
        const finalClaim = await claimOnEthereum(
        console.log(`Final claim successful: ${finalClaim}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Bridge operation failed:", error.message);
        throw error;

Required ABIs

    "function lastBlockNum() external view returns (uint256)",
    "function lastState() external view returns (bytes32)"

const ERC20_ABI = [
    "function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool)",
    "function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256)"

    "function originalToMinted(address) external view returns (address)",
    "function mintedToOriginal(address) external view returns (address)"

    "function deposit(uint256 nonce, address token, uint256 amount) external",
    "function claim(bytes32 txHash, bytes calldata proof) external"

const BRIDGE_ABI = [
    "function withdraw(uint256 nonce, address token, uint256 amount) external",
    "function claim(bytes32 txHash, bytes calldata proof) external"

Important Notes

  1. State Updates

    • Ethereum → Sonic: Monitor StateOracle.lastBlockNum until it's >= deposit block

    • Sonic → Ethereum: Monitor StateOracle.lastBlockNum until it's >= withdrawal block

  2. Proofs

    • Required for all claim operations

    • Generated using eth_getProof RPC call with correct storage slots

    • Must be RLP encoded in format: RLP.encode([RLP.encode(accountProof), RLP.encode(storageProof)])

    • Storage slots are calculated using:

      • Deposits: keccak256(abi.encode(depositId, uint8(7)))

      • Withdrawals: keccak256(abi.encode(withdrawalId, uint8(1)))

  3. Gas Fees

    • Keep extra ETH for gas on both networks

    • Claim operations typically cost more gas due to proof verification

  4. Security

    • Never share private keys

    • Always verify contract addresses

    • Test with small amounts first

    • Use the same private key for both networks

  5. Monitoring

    • Monitor transaction status on both networks

    • Keep transaction hashes for reference

    • Verify successful claims before proceeding

    • Monitor StateOracle updates for claim timing

Last updated